warthog5608.18 2020 : This is a fake review. For someone who spent years in Korea you should know that Coco is Chinese, not Korean... it is obvious you have never met her. I know the manager as well...and I asked her about this...she said that she never got a note from you and you never came and complained to her about the \"money issues.\"\nYou are obviously not a friend of this manager because a friend would never write a review like this...\"issues \" would be discussed in private and not in a public forum. You, snake6996 are a liar on so many levels.
This is a fake review. For someone who spent years in Korea you should know that Coco is Chinese, not Korean... it is obvious you have never met her. I know the manager as well...and I asked her about this...she said that she never got a note from you and you never came and complained to her about the \"money issues.\"\nYou are obviously not a friend of this manager because a friend would never write a review like this...\"issues \" would be discussed in private and not in a public forum. You, snake6996 are a liar on so many levels.