arnglooking12.26 2017 : I believe it is, just a different name! either One Spa or One Therapy!
arnglooking12.22 2017 : Will be leaving in a little over a week, I wonder if this place is still open?
moses807.06 2015 : This place use to be good until it got raided now they have new owners this place is dry now
harryhood199705.19 2015 : driving to birmingham tomorrow to drop someone off at the airport, is this place open?
hooker4707.19 2014 : I drove by 2 days ago and is locked up tighter than Fort Knox. I don't think they're gonna reopen this one.
jondr10.18 2011 : This Spa was closed last time I visited. I was disappointed because on previous visits I had excellent service with some hot Korean attendants!
I believe it is, just a different name! either One Spa or One Therapy!