look4fun201603.09 2025 : Hello, this shop has gone out of business, it's no longer open. All lights are off for over a month
look4fun201601.28 2025 : Hello, this shop has gone out of business, it's no longer open.
deepthinker06.11 2018 : Changed owners. Same as Peony in K-town and Main in Racine. Good luck gents!
deepthinker03.19 2018 : So I heard today, Lucy is gone. Tragedy as she was one of the best, great attitude, great service.
jizzer2310.15 2017 : I agree with safado. Vivian is just a tease. I had no luck with her. Tried all my suggestive moves but no luck. I don't believe these reviews of her giving HE. I was very obviously not LE.
deepthinker10.14 2017 : I went. TOFTT. I enjoyed the massage and the ending!
It's a nice parlor, the only thing I can say I didn't like was the (front) rooms before the actual front counter not actually down a hallway. This could be a problem with wander-ins, especially when they don't close the doors during the pre-flip massage. Yup, she left my door open to a crack (for circulation?) (to give the impression it is legit?). Also, one can look inside the parlor through the front glass door. The door not locked, a chime sounds as you walk in. It wasn't busy at all, I was surprised, still a secret tug shack.
Girls were super friendly, got a good warm feeling when the older girl "Nosee"? or "Nosi"? gave me a smile, hug and cheek kiss when we met. Nice touch. She was genuinely nice, older and very petite body, not more than 5 feet tall.
There appeared to be rooms down the hallway, but I didn't go that far. should have asked to use the bathroom first, didn't think of it.
I like this place and I want some time with the younger girl, I assume it was Vivian. Next time I will ask for her.
safado5505.23 2017 : Well, just returned. A cople of guys still doing construction told the place was closed. I said that I called, so they went and got the girl.
She used to work at Hunan Spa on 39th. Paid 65$ for the hour. Cute girl She has done me a few times at Hunan. Formerly "Ci Ci", now she's "Vivian" But she makes silly faces and wastes time, IMO..Only a very small amount of teasing in the right places, but I made a few requests...all was denied.
Based on the first visit, that previous experience with this girl.. I would have to say This place is non-e.. Only a mild tease. $0 tip, sorry.
safado5505.23 2017 : I'm gonna TOFTT today.....report back later.
I don't expect much since it's new but...who knows?
jizzer2305.16 2017 : Anyone been here yet? I'm may try myself soon when I can.
Hello, this shop has gone out of business, it's no longer open. All lights are off for over a month