jimmiz10.03 2015 : Nobody answering phone 10.1-3??? CLOSED AGAIN? I've tried to reach Jane to ask if she has some available appointments in the last few days. I always enjoy my sessions at Jane's spa. It is the best. Does anyone else know about the possible closer or worse for Jane's place? Thanks, any info is appreciated. Hoping for the best.
jimmiz10.03 2015 : Phone disconnected 10/2? Anybody know if Jane is open?
lostangeles12.23 2014 : @dbltap They do NOT take credit cards. There's a sign at the inner entrance stating as much.
lostangeles12.23 2014 : New girl, Bella, is Korean-American, young, cute, and will show you a good time.
dbltap10.23 2014 : Has anyone been able to use a credit card for FS here, or anywhere else for that matter?
superflyr3208.29 2014 : Looks to be open again. They also had ad on bp. Hopefully it's still the same
lostangeles08.08 2014 : Place has been closed for a couple weeks now-- sign up on front door says it's due to "plumbing issues." No clue as to whether it will re-open.
Nobody answering phone 10.1-3??? CLOSED AGAIN? I've tried to reach Jane to ask if she has some available appointments in the last few days. I always enjoy my sessions at Jane's spa. It is the best. Does anyone else know about the possible closer or worse for Jane's place? Thanks, any info is appreciated. Hoping for the best.