huggy1711.29 2022 : Ok guys the number of 949-793-0702 is not Orchid Spa it’s my private num so please do not call or text me that number
huggy1711.11 2022 : Is Orchid reopen and Eva still works there DM at 949-793-0702 please
dongwong10.15 2021 : Anyone know where Lisa went? Been looking for her for years. Great BBJCIM
trump12345602.28 2021 : PM me if anyone knows where Eva is working at . ...............
jimenycricket12.02 2020 : Does anyone know where Eva went, any word on where she ended up? PM me please. Thx
niknight01.14 2020 : Drove by the other day, looks like there was a city notice on the door, the entire shop has been cleaned out, it’s now just a vacant space now. Gonna miss Eva.
megamadness12.14 2019 : any word on where Eva ended up at? doesn't look like shes shown up 8n any reviews elsewhere
niknight11.29 2019 : As far as I know this place has been “under renovations” since September.
lover_grrl11.27 2019 : Closed? That seems sudden. Any info on what happened?
nikoman2411.03 2019 : Has there been any update or are they still closed?
deano6910.13 2019 : Hey Monger Amigos, If anyone comes across Eva plz send me PM
niknight09.30 2019 : Please say it isn’t so! Renovations? Did another parlor bite the dust?
rubmeinoc09.30 2019 : yah i went this weekend and closed for renevations!? RIGHT LOL hope it's the case but not crossing my fingers. Wonder where Eva will go?
artpepper09.25 2019 : Don’t knock Lisa, you can fixate on her age all you want, but She gave me some special times.
deano6909.20 2019 : They are closed for renovations???????????????????????????????
Ok guys the number of 949-793-0702 is not Orchid Spa it’s my private num so please do not call or text me that number