payup09.15 2015 : walk in and either its a old a cup lady or a younger asian girl with bad acne.
longleg02.26 2015 : Lololololol....It's amazing how some guys for whatever reason, strike out and assume that all the rest will too anyway, so they talk down the place. It could be correct owners or different providers too..
payup12.31 2014 : old, flat, old, ok massage........................forgettable.
edgler0099910.23 2014 : Can anyone tell me about the girls here? looks age?
Mikefandango10.22 2013 : the place it's call Massage Therapy 941 , at least that's what the big sign in the front said, how did you come up with "best Chinese massage" is beyond me....
bentkey10.18 2013 : I somehow typed an error in the address. It is 941 not 1941 Foothill
walk in and either its a old a cup lady or a younger asian girl with bad acne.