eastsideloko12.09 2024 : Does Any one know when they will open this place?? It was so much fun
ragtimer9208.15 2024 : I got word from Naty, who used to be Nikki here at Eastern Massage, is that Eastern Massage is closed. Looked like the Mama-san didn't want to keep it open anymore, and everytime I call the number it says it's disconnected and the door is locked.
eastsideloko09.21 2023 : This place is now open guys, go and visit the girls . Share the stories gentlemen.
jc_fashion07.15 2023 : I see this place is listed as closed. Can anyone confirm ?
sparky32308.14 2022 : Anyone know what days Lisa works? Been trying but they keep saying she don’t work there
yofranky07.27 2021 : Anybody know if thick Lily is still working ? And if what days?
fullmenu05.10 2020 : Please PM if you Providers with Thick Bush. Thank you
assman2206.03 2015 : This place isn't closed. I was just in there with Bella, the hottest Latina chick you ever saw. She turned me every which way, covered of course. She works on Wednesdays. Yummy stuff. 50 to the house and I tipped her an xtra 20, 120 to her.
curtcamp605.25 2015 : This place is closed. Sign gone, stripped down. Drove by this Saturday
imjustsayin_03.16 2015 : What kind of girls are working there on Thursdays?
tyjuan05.10 2014 : Been to this spot twice. First time with a old Korean hag with great service. The second time was with a younger yet chubby Korean chick who gave horrible service. If it was cheaper I would try again.
zyra01.04 2014 : It's fine, bit expensive. But overall a good place
tekniokwee107.31 2013 : Mimi is so beautiful and you can get enithing from her
Does Any one know when they will open this place?? It was so much fun