travelling man12.16 2014 : Told you guys I had FS there..... Closed a week later. Someone is reading these posts.
jaxel12.08 2014 : Rose the owner got WAY too greedy and got VERY loose in the wording of her ads. So clearly it was busted and now is taken over by a new Chinese owner asking for trouble.
travelling man12.06 2014 : Today, there is a new sign on the place for a spa, but it doesn't look like a Thai place... all of the old phone numbers are non-working numbers. I guess this place was too good to last.
travelling man11.15 2014 : As of 15 November, this placed has been closed for three weeks. The sign says closed for remodeling.
jimgee08.10 2014 : anyone have any experience with TS claire? if so any info would be appreciated.
jimgee08.10 2014 : Does anyone know ts claire? If so any experience lately?
juicebox3203.17 2014 : Karen did not offer HE.
They offer ladyboys if you're into that.
Told you guys I had FS there..... Closed a week later. Someone is reading these posts.