indiacowboy09.21 2015 : Heidi is a liar. She teases you and even hints something special will happen if you ask for more time, but then it's over. Not even let yourself DIY. Then when you leave asks you to come back tomorrow...the nerve.
I'm done with her places, especially Euless. I asked for the other lady there but she insisted that I was her customer and she will do massage because here she does give me the HE but not when she is at Flowermound location. This is very crazy lady who's f**cked in the head. I will be sure to inform all my Indian friends to keep clear. The sad thing is she gives a decent massage but she must have learned customer service from a cracker jack box...
indiacowboy09.21 2015 : Heidi is a liar. She teases you and even hints something special will happen if you ask for more time, but then it's over. Not even let yourself DIY. Then when you leave asks you to come back tomorrow...the nerve.
I'm done with her places, especially Euless. I asked for the other lady there but she insisted that I was her customer and she will do massage. This is very crazy lady who's f**cked in the head. I will be sure to inform all my Indian friends to keep clear. The sad thing is she gives a decent massage but she must have learned customer service from a cracker jack box... 2015 : I went here and got no HE. Don't go if you want more than a decent massage.
thenino2812.26 2014 : don't go here. no HEs. no going buck wild
tombo6202.19 2013 : Can anyone confirm that this place is legit or not? I plan to go there for my next fix.
thenino2801.02 2013 : i went here and only got massage no chance to get full service. when i tried to she stopped me
Heidi is a liar. She teases you and even hints something special will happen if you ask for more time, but then it's over. Not even let yourself DIY. Then when you leave asks you to come back tomorrow...the nerve. I'm done with her places, especially Euless. I asked for the other lady there but she insisted that I was her customer and she will do massage because here she does give me the HE but not when she is at Flowermound location. This is very crazy lady who's f**cked in the head. I will be sure to inform all my Indian friends to keep clear. The sad thing is she gives a decent massage but she must have learned customer service from a cracker jack box...