jirdan09.26 2023 : Is this place still open? None of the numbers work
gorillagod9006.05 2022 : Anyone know if Amy is still here? Been looking for a provider with her skills
bigbone9610.15 2020 : does anyone know where coco went? would definitely like to know, "want to keep in touch". thanks
payup07.02 2019 : CoCo from Upland Elite is here!!! she only works thurs, Fri, and Sat
21ynot12.19 2018 : First timer to a rub and tug and maybe more?
If you are new to a place or not and they ask first time there just say it has been several months. When you are lead to your room and get ready strip all the way down and lay or your stomach and cover your ass. Enjoy what happens either before the flip or after they will makes the move or ask and then you say either FS or what you want. This way you went for a massage and then between two adults added fun
s197art12.18 2018 : Do you guys reccomend first timers? I'm new to all this and was wondering if I'll get service my first time coming here
sicknasty42005.28 2018 : Anyone knows what days does Cindy works?? Looking for thick Asians
damick1801.27 2018 : Anybody know where Coco from here went? Had a great time with her a few times.
joedirt8207.10 2016 : Saw a decent looking Asian girl. Late 40s maybe. No bj. No hj. No fs. Maybe she was nervous because I was new. Gentle hands but boring
hhuan01609.22 2015 : Is Coco from Elite in Upland here now??????????????????????
longleg08.11 2015 : This phone number is wrong............'............
guyin71412.23 2014 : Came by here and paid $40 for 1/2 hour. They have sign in room saying basically any talk or suggestions to masseuse of favors or clothes remove is sexual harassment. But anyway only got HJ by her I motioned for more but she said no and pointed to sign. There is a sign pointing to another place a few doors down so I will try that next time. CiCi was avg Asian girl about 30ish lil meat on her and maybe small B from what I could tell
edgler0099910.23 2014 : Any info about this place?? Girls Look and age???
socalhookup05.12 2014 : Any info about this place?? Especially since the rate is high on this post
wpm1hush07.27 2013 : Tell me about Amy! How old? looks? Style? Anything would help, Thanks
Is this place still open? None of the numbers work